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Selling Venison

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just a quick one guys, my brother has started a new job selling pheasants to shoots in s wales, they constantly want venison and will pay £4 a kilo, But they won't buy it from me without a DSC1. Any advice on where and when they run courses and prices,

Also do i have to wait until i pass the course to put in a variation for a larger caliber rifle,

Cheers, Rifleman.

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  • 2 weeks later...

U can't legally sell venison with just a dsc1 or 2 u need hygiene and all sorts


I think you have got a little carried away there, first off you do not need a DSC of any sort to sell venison (wild meat) and you don't necessarily need any specific hygiene qualifications either.


This will help you, the flow chart on page 8 is very useful if you don't feel like ploughing through the whole thing.






£4kilo is exceptionally good money, that is about double what I get!

Edited by Deker
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  • 4 weeks later...

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